The morning came too quickly, especially for the leaders who had to get up early to prepare themselves before getting our boys up. Akela/Grey wolf was the lucky leader to go and get our Explorers and Timber wolves up. With a lot of encouragement, prodding and patience we got our boys up, dressed and out the door for 5:30 am and into the waiting coach line. We were on time and we pulled out of the seminary for our 3-hour drive to Assisi. After brief morning prayers our boys fell back asleep until 10 minutes prior to our arrival.
The day dawned bright and sunny without the hint of a cloud in the sky. The town of Assisi is quite beautiful sight, especially in the bright sunlight of this bright spring day. The town was built in the side of a mountain to protect it from invaders.
Upon our arrival, we disembarked from our bus to enjoy a light breakfast before walking up 100 metres to the Basilica of St. Francis. We descended to the tomb of St Francis to celebrate our private Mass for our group. We are very grateful to Father Thomas, Brother Nicholas and Brother Dennis for making this possible. Our group quietly filled the chapel and our boys were in awe when they realised where they were.
The Mass was so moving and spiritually powerful that it generated tears of thanksgiving for some and a realisation of the mercy of God as illustrated through the life of St. Francis of Assisi. At the same Mass we witnessed Andy Hwang receive his First Communion with great joy and excitement. The event was made extra special for the fact that both his parents were available to witness this event with his brother Timber wolves, Explorers and FNE Leaders. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos in the church so we were unable to capture this event on film.
After mass, one of our Explorers remarked, “Grey Wolf, this mass was the most moving and special Mass that I ever experienced in my life. I really thought that the Lord was reaching out to each of us in a special way, I am so happy.” After a washroom break that cost 0.60 Euros per person…we returned to the Basilica for tour led by Father Thomas using headset units. These units facilitated us hearing very detailed descriptions of the different altars and paintings with special emphasis on the last judgement scene. Father described the images and highlighted the battle that we call face between good and eveil in our hearts.
On the way to the Basilica of St. Clair, Andy Hwang’s parents treated the group to gelatos (ice cream) to celebrate his First Communion. This by far one of the best ice creams you could every experience. We all enjoyed this treat very much. We returned to the bus and went to a rest stop for a picnic lunch consisting of ham and cheese sandwich, cookies and a drink.
At the Basilica of St. Clair we knelt in deep prayer in the front of the very cross that Jesus spoke through to St. Francis. Jesus said, “Francis, Francis re-build my church which as you see is in ruin.” Together we called out to the Lord to help us hear him as to what he wants us to do and then to find the courage to do what he is asking us. From there we moved to another part of the Basilica to pray the rosary for our loved ones, those who are sick and for our movement. We silently descended to the lower level to view the uncorrupted body of St Clair of Assisi who dies in 1253. What a miracle!
For our last stop of the day we visited St Mary of the Angels which was one of the original churches repaired by St Francis. This is where St. Clair of Assisi got her hair cut to symbolize her parting from social and family riches and accepting a life of poverty and great sacrifice. In this very church, Jesus spoke with St Francis through the cross and where he died in October 4, 1226.
The most moving and striking part of the day was when we when we discovered Eucharistic Adoration underway. The boys entered the side chapel and immediately and without prompting moved up to the altar rail, fell to their knees, and went into private prayer with Jesus. This site was so moving and sincere that a nun came out to ask Father Tomas as to who and where these boys came from as she had never seen as act of love for Jesus by youth similar to what our Timber wolves and Explorers demonstrated right then and there.
When Brother Dennis suggested that it was time to leave Adoration only but a few boys responded immediately. Brother Dennis also remarked that he has been working with youth for better than 3 years and had never seen or experienced what he did today. Jesus was so very happy with our Explorers and Timber wolves at that very moment that he poured many graces on them. This was for us as leaders a real joy and gift. Thank you Jesus!
Our sunset drive through the Valle del Bucello mountains, was truly a breathtaking sight with many beautiful valleys to see below as we climbed ever higher we reached our destination Loreto. We stayed at the Scalabriniani Hotel a former seminary.
Upon our arrival at 7:30 pm we filed into the dining room for a wonderful feat consisting of bread, pasta, fried potato wedges, salad, breaded pork, apples, pineapple, coffee, tea, water and soft drinks. Our boys really ate well. After dinner we assigned our boys to rooms – either 2, 4 or 6 boys to a room and gave them 15 minutes to set up before returning to the lobby for 9 pm. All our Timber wolves and Explorers returned to the lobby within the prescribed time give or take 5 minutes. A great start to the evening.
From there we filed into the chapel for what we thought would be a 30 to 45 minute question and answer period after signing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. What awaited us exceeded our wildest expectations. We started off the evening discussion with a question and answer period which in turn drove an active and engaging discussion period. Father Thomas made himself available to hear confessions. When Akela/Grey Wolf asked who wanted to go first, at least 40 hands shot up with much clamouring as to who would go first. We finally settled on the order that the boys were seated.
Before starting on singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on a whim Akela/Grey Wolf invited (hoping that 2 or 3 boys would volunteer) the boys to share with his brothers his feelings, observations. Hopes and dreams for our pilgrimage to date. As the first boy began sharing his feelings we were blown away by what followed. One after another each boy that went up opened up their hearts and shared with his brothers without fear of shame or ridicule. Their thoughts and comments were so profound and unique. We experienced such a wide range of emotions such as:
- Laughter
- Happiness
- Sorrow
- Joy
- Surprise
- Excitement
- Peace
- And above all love
Some of our boys came up to offer their testimony with tears of thanksgiving flowing like a river; to deep expressions of love for their parents as to the sacrifice made to make this pilgrimage happen; to having the Lord touch them in very special ways; to reflecting back to experiences from summer camp and Eucharistic adoration; to not doubting God’s love for us; how much the program has done to rekindle faith; why they are now believers not just because of what their parents taught them but by what they have seen and experienced.
Our boys spoke in awe about St. Francis of Assisi, his love for the Lord and his detachment from worldly values and material things. They also spoke about the miracle of seeing the body of St Clair of Assisi uncorrupted hundreds of years after her death. The boys who shared testimonies that brought tears to the eyes of the adults present include: Tommy, John, Michael K., Christian, Jiseok, Anthony, San, Wilton, David, Rino, Antonio and Michael C. (Shared at request of the boys - Akela/Grey Wolf)
Brother Denis was also present. He had to retire for the night after four boys, but he remarked how moved and impressed he was based on what he saw and heard. Parents you should be so very proud of your sons as they are all really good, loving and responsible children! We ended the evening just before midnight by singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on our knees in front of the Tabernacle. The singing was so loving, peaceful and in harmony that the Lord could not help but be very pleased!
Link to Day5 photos
Map of travels for the day:
Map of trip to Assisi and Loreto
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